My experience with the Freerunner

Joerg Reisenweber joerg at
Thu May 29 21:51:43 CEST 2008

Am Do  29. Mai 2008 schrieb Andy Green:
> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> | Lasse Poulsen wrote:
> |> Also it would be nice to see how long call time you have if you talk
> |> continually (might i suggest an audio-book or to). If you don't i
> |> properly will (haven't got the device yet!)
> |
> |
> | Taking Lasse's advice, I set up a new test last night:
> Just a little point about these tests, AIUI the GPS stuff acts radically
s/GPS/GSM/ ;)

> differently in terms of current consumption depending on the distance
> from the base station.  All we can reasonably do is compare same-tester
> results for their different phones from the same physical location.

Yep! exactly, due to tx-power calibration, cell-handover etc. 

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