voip on Debian

TL Mieszkowski mieszkowski at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 23:27:10 CEST 2008

As of now, I'm using asterisk on debian to connect to an IAX2 provider.

There is a far end echo, that is being caused by asterisk on the Freerunner.
Other than that,
it is working perfectly.  I don't know much about the FSO framework or
zhone, but it would be trivial
(from the asterisk end) to use zhone as the front end, as it would only take
sending asterisk manager
commands to control the console. Configuration of asterisk with a gui would
be a sticking point, but not too complicated by any means.

I'm still working on eliminating the echo, but I have a feeling that nothing
of a recompile will work (or a channel driver for the wolfson codec instead
of using alsa, both of which I am ignorant about).  I saw the asterisk .ipk
in the community repo, does anyone know the 
source of that package, or who compiled it?
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