[2008.9] Wifi very unreliable

Jay Vaughan jayv at synth.net
Thu Oct 2 19:15:17 CEST 2008

> As much as I love my FR, I must admit that the whole experience had  
> me thinking lustful thoughts about my wife's iPhone...

I would say just get an iPhone.  I did.  Its much more fun to develop  
for a *platform* rather than a constant dogs-breakfast of disaster.   
Until someone in the Freerunner world turns the thing into a stable  
platform, its just going to go on and on forever with nothing ever  
being fixed, stably, and dependably.

I mean, give me a break.  Its October, and people are *still*  
wrestling with WLAN configuration.  Can you hackers not see how stupid  
it is to be fussing with 'pretty stuff' when the most basic things  
don't even work?

I've given up on Freerunner development.  Until there is a stable  
image that provides an Operating System (what we have now: Inoperable)  
its just not worth the fuss.  The Freerunner project has been  
murdered, in my opinion, by hobby horsing hackers who have nothing but  
hatred for the end users that *could* be using the thing.

Jay Vaughan

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