usb wifi device neo1973

Robin Paulson robin.paulson at
Sat Oct 4 11:28:54 CEST 2008

2008/9/30 ashley elphick <ashleyams at>:
> can anyone tell me if its possible to use wifi via usb for the neo 1973, if so, is there a tutorial
> anywhere to assist me?

any wifi dongle supported by linux with free drivers, will
theoretically work with the neo1973. iirc, atheros chipsets are
considered to work well with linux, without resorting to proprietary
drivers (which probably don't exist for the neo anyway). do a search
for wifi open-source drivers or similar

no idea about tutorials, though

there's nothing specific to the neo that you need to know, beyond how
to power the device - lots of info on the wiki for doing that

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