rescue my freerunner

Sergey Alembekov rt at
Sun Oct 5 15:41:24 CEST 2008

On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 10:10:21AM -0700, Michael Shiloh wrote:
> If your computer doesn't have an SD slot, you can buy an inexpensive USB 
> to SDcard adapter. This is what I use and it's been fine.
Yes, thank you!

> (when you say it's stuck while booting, how long did you wait? IIRC 
> there is a network related task which will eventually time out, but it 
> does take quite a long time.)
I waited until battery uncharged :)
Anyway, booting from SD it's good idea. And i could rescue and discover
the reason of problem.

Regards, Sergey Alembekov
ALTLinux Team
xmpp: rt at

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