The best approach to change network configuration from applications.

Alastair Johnson alastair at
Thu Oct 9 13:14:53 CEST 2008

Nicola Mfb wrote:
> I'm trying to write a test application that should change the network 
> configuration with a gui, what's the best approach?
> Manually change /etc/network/interfaces? a wrapper library to do that? 
> dbus api call?

That depends on which distro you're using, and how complete its network 
management is. 2008.x is using ConnMan which is an attempt at a lighter 
weight version of NetworkManager, but it seems rather incomplete. I 
think FSO is sticking with the basic debian-based interface using 
/etc/network/interfaces which mostly works according to the debian 
networking handbook. IIRC the bits needed for roaming connections are 
missing though. Debian and Gentoo use their respective networking 
practices. NetworkManager is another option. The key is to pick one 
method and stick to it - mixing them usually ends up in them fighting 
for control of the interfaces.

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