[OM2008] Documentation for .kbd-files?
Chaosspawn23 at gmx.net
Sat Oct 11 10:06:04 CEST 2008
> AFAIK there's no docs about it, but it's quite easy... I suggest you
> starting editing the Default keyboard and as you can see there each key
> has a position (key x y) and the role of the key itself (normal, shift
> capslock).
> So for example a code like:
>> key 5 0 10 10
>> normal q "q"
>> shift Q "Q"
>> capslock 1 1
> will put a key in the position (5,0) and that key will show a q in
> normal mode, a Q in shift mode and a 1 in capslock mode. Then while both
> using the normal and shift mode the char written will be checked with
> the dictionary, in the capslock mode the char will be directly prompted
> in the text field.
> In fact you've to use something like this:
> key $x-pos $y-pos 10 10
> mode $char-to-be-shown-in-the-key $char-xcode-to-be-written
> mode $char-to-be-shown-in-the-key "$char-to-be-checked-with-dict"
> Btw I don't know what the 10 and 10 means (maybe the key size? But this
> seems strange since in the terminal keyboard they're set to 30 30) I've
> to ask this to Rasterman!
> I hope I've been enough clear... :P
Thank you very much - now I can start working on a qwertz-keyboard with umlauts!
(and by NOW, I mean some time this weekend ;) )
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