[Om2008.9] Using Freerunner as a digital audio player
carmen r
_ at whats-your.name
Tue Oct 14 23:59:50 CEST 2008
On Tue Oct 14, 2008 at 05:41:55PM -0400, Dylan Reilly wrote:
> FWIW, the qtopia media player in the testing branch is vastly better
> than it was. Volume control even works now without causing distortion!
> From my observations, the audio quality issue has been due to CPU load
> and not the player itself. Even in fairly recent builds, the poor
> freerunner was pushing very high loads and causing the media player to
> mess up it's decoding. Try ensuring that only the media player is
> taking CPU time when playing music.
does the system slow to an untenable crawl when playing mp3. i mean can you use dillo or webkit at the same time comfortably?
whats the CPU usage of mplayer/alsa (no pulseaudio junk etc)
do you have to killall -9 mplayer when a call comes in so the ring sound plays, or can you use dmix (does that chew much CPU?)
i was a bit too skeptical of GTA03 to make the jump (what with Acer buying Eten, that new Russian phone on engadget, and the MeizuM8 coming _any_day_now_ and android making linux work on loads more hardware...)
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