Openmoko to shift to 2.6.27 kernel ?

Joel Newkirk freerunner at
Wed Oct 15 07:47:11 CEST 2008

On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 00:42:13 -0400, Joel Newkirk <freerunner at>
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 18:29:53 +0100, Andy Green <andy at> wrote:

>> Thanks a lot for trying it and reporting it, you'll get further with uSD
>> boot right now.

> Now I've successfully booted from uSD with Base Image and 2.6.27. "Linux
> om-gta02 2.6.27-andy-tracking_2ffb4cc483642df1-mokodev #12 PREEMPT Sat
> 11 13:06:05 BST 2008 armv4tl unknown".  (although every other attempt or

I've got more on this now.

After complete absence of power, when power is restored Qi does NOT start
up the first time the power button is held down for 10+ secs.  I have to do
it a second time.

And (not yet sure if it's Qi or not, but I've seen it with a couple images
and 2.6.24 and 2.6.27 kernels off SD) when the system goes to suspend it
will at best only come back without LCD, but usually is gone, and no
mashing of power button helps, I need to pull the battery.


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