looking for a mentor

Mathieu Rochette mathroc at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 12:25:10 CEST 2008

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 4:53 PM,  <flamma at correo.ugr.es> wrote:
>> So I'm asking if someone from openmoko is intersted to mentor me.
>> Feel free to ask me any questions, this afternoon I'll be able to join
>> the #openmoko chan.
> Sorry for the indiscretion, but what 'afternoon' means on a list whose
> members live on any place around the world?
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correct ^^ didn't think about that ;)

about, the ui/distro related thing, hem, I think that it's easier to
begin with that. but if the project grows I intend to continue it
after school period and then that could be a nice improvement (but
difficult I think).

raster, I can't join irc now (work policy...). anyway, I think about
it after that and I'm really interested in this project.
and now my professors are asking me if I found a mentor.. so are you
interested ? If you don't know yet, maybe I can put you in touch with
one of my professor. I'm sorry to press you but time is running out ;)


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