Partitionning separate /home/ floder to SD

Alastair Johnson alastair at
Mon Oct 20 20:20:27 CEST 2008

Vikas Saurabh wrote:
> Flash has limited writes in its lifetime. That is why we have special 
> filesystems for flash [1],[2] (e.g. jffs2).
> ext3 (due to its journalling) might not be good idea for Sd-card. I 
> think ext2 would fare fine except that it might be left with corrupted 
> FS in case improper shutdown but at least it would not impact the life 
> of the card.

For CF and probably also for SD this is a non-issue. Most, probably all, 
implement write levelling in the card so special filesystems are not 
needed. The number of write cycles before failure has increased 
enormously too. More details here:

 From a practical perspective we've been using CF cards with ext3 and 
swap for several years now in server appliances, and they've been more 
reliable than HDDs in similar situations over that period. Given the 
restricted bandwidth of the glamo I won't even be able to hit the SD as 
hard as these are every day, so I have no worries about the lifetime of 
my SD cards. I will be very surprised if it fails before I decide to 
upgrade it.

> On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 6:14 PM, Iain B. Findleton 
> <ifindleton at <mailto:ifindleton at>> wrote:
>     I did appear to observe that using ext3 on the uSD partitions
>     appears to be faster than using FAT file systems, however. 
> --VIkas
> [1] 
> [2]

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