Virtualized developer system (was Re: Back to thebasics:improving user experience)

Christ van Willegen cvwillegen at
Tue Oct 21 16:07:14 CEST 2008


On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 11:16 PM, Joel Newkirk <freerunner at> wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 03:24:11 +1000, "Denis Johnson"
> <denis.johnson at> wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 10:46 PM, Jisakiel <jisakiel at> wrote:
>>> ¿May I suggest the image being a virtualbox one instead of vmware?
>> Virtualbox is quite fast as well, and there are free (as in speech)
>> versions available for all major distros. Only problem is that the open
>> source does not support usb (but the commercial version is freely
>> downloadable and does).
>>> Only free vmware nowadays are the player (no snapshots ability) and the
>> server (too heavyweight, based on tomcat + firefox plugin).
>> +1
>> I have been using VirtualBox to run a Ubuntu guest for over a year
>> now. Works very well, although I have not tried to connect neo
>> directly to this instance. I ssh to another laptop running ubuntu
>> natively to which I connect the FR.
>> cheers Denis
> I've not used VirtualBox before, will have to take a look at it.  I need to
> work through the assembly once more anyway to document it better.
> In the meantime I'll see about cleaning up a bit and figuring out how to
> package the vmware image up as an appliance.  (I'm using the free vmware
> server, BTW, running under Ubuntu Hardy)

I applaud everything done here :-)

Ideally, I would like to see that I can run this on a PowerMac (G5) on
MacOS 10.5. If all else fails, I'll try to run it on the Ubuntu box I
have at home (but I need more RAM than the 128Mb it currently has), of
install stuff on it.

The reason I asked for this, was to have the 'one true dev.
environment', where 'we' could easily jump in and help the OM
developers! It would save tons of time if _one_ person did this,
instead of everyone on the mailing list...

Christ van Willegen

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