using the FR as a daily phone

Kishore kitts.mailinglists at
Fri Oct 24 16:28:59 CEST 2008

On Friday 24 Oct 2008 4:44:55 pm Vasco Névoa wrote:
> Citando Kishore <kitts.mailinglists at>:
> > Since i got my neo rather recently, i have only tried 4.4.1. Is 4.3 still
> > the better choice? A couple of days ago i lost my daily use phone
> > (motoming A1200)
> > and so i now need to use the FR as my daily phone.
> I've been using ASU (OM2008.9) since the beginning as my daily and
> only phone for months now, without great problems.
> It stinks for SMS texting, and it is a PITA to find a contact on the
> list (both of these are bad designs of Qtopia), but otherwise it does
> the job well.
> The only big problem is a "denial-of-service" that happens because os
> resume problems... sometimes I get an SMS or some other event that
> wakes up the phone, and if I don't touch the screen, it stays awake
> until the battery dies. This is why sometimes I wake up to a dead
> phone, even though I went to bed leaving it almost fully charged. :(

Don't you find it a little too slow to really work with? Or is it only me? It 
almost tests my patience. qtextended is rather fast.

Since, i use this now as my primary phone i thought id try the available 
distributions to see what i can use on a daily basis. I tried ASU which was 
rather bare as is meant to be and still slower than my patience. Then i tried 
the older FDOM which atleast demos the capability of the device but suffers the 
same slowness as the ASU. I am now about to try the latest ASU which my work 
well but i do not expect much in terms of speed.

Next, ill try the qtopia 4.3 since i have heard it is more stable. Does the 
ASU ship with same qtopia applications? If it does than qtextended defenitely 
has better usability.

Actually, i find qtextended to be quit stable except that it suffers bugs that 
make it annoying to use.

Is qtextended (x11) available on debian? I found debian to be fast! My dream 
setup would be qtextended on x11 running on debian. I am generally fond of 
debian and Qt too. I use the KDE desktop and do software development with Qt 
and my daytime job is in the low level embedded (bare metal) space.

Ps. Is there developer documentation that explains details? I see files like 
the gsmhandset.state and im not sure how all this works? clearly all the 
distributions for the FR seem to use the same file concept but im not sure this 
is a standard either.

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