No subject

martin martin.der.aze at
Sun Oct 26 16:22:35 CET 2008


    I'm trying to build thttpd ( thttpd-2.25b | ) using toolchain but om-conf
fails. The log is in om-conf_output.txt .

As a test, I was able to ./configure&&make this package for my x86
without toolchain.
Also autoconf, automake et m4 are up to date, as stated by opkg-target :
Package m4 (1.4.8-r0) installed in root is up to date.
Package autoconf (2.61-r1) installed in root is up to date.
Package automake (1.9.6-r0) installed in root is up to date.

I found a script named aclocal.m4 ( here : ) that
seems to define the missing macros. I put it in the main directory -
and in the subdirectory named 'm4' - but it is removed when om-conf is
run. I guess I'm not using it the way autoconf or configure expect it.
Still, is it really the solution since it is not needed when making
regular build?

Has anyone an idea ?

I forgot to mention I looked for a thttpd package. Sadly none were
found. Installing a thttpd.ipk would be a really acceptable
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