illume-config-illume on 2008.8-updates

flamma at flamma at
Tue Sep 2 15:09:58 CEST 2008

> Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
>> On Mon, 01 Sep 2008 21:20:45 -0600 -stacy <slm3095om at Millions.Ca>
>> babbled:
>>> David Samblas wrote:
>>>> El lun, 01-09-2008 a las 11:35 -0600, -stacy escribió:
>>>>> what am I missing?
>>>> go to the illume configuration select keyboard and change none to
>>>> default
>>> Already done. With QTOPIA_NO_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD=1 and illume configured
>>> keyboard set to none, there is no keyboard at all, I get a keyboard,
>>> just that it only has Default and Numbers layout, no Terminal (full
>>> qwerty).
>> install the illume-keyboard-terminal package :) they are all recommended
>> ones
>> for illume.
> Quoted from my original message:
>> # opkg list_installed | grep illume
>> illume - 0.0+svnr35693-r13 -
>> illume-config - 0.0+svnr35693-r13 -
>> illume-config-illume - 0.0+svnr35693-r13 -
>> illume-dicts-default - 0.0+svnr217-r12 -
>> illume-dicts-english-us - 0.0+svnr35693-r13 -
>> illume-keyboards-default - 0.0+svnr35693-r13 -
>> illume-keyboards-numbers - 0.0+svnr35693-r13 -
>> illume-keyboards-terminal - 0.0+svnr35693-r13 -
>> illume-theme-freesmartphone -
>> 0.0+gitr5cdedae0e45911ef10f6966587e7f3e842b5d2bd-r0 -
> since there was only a couple illume packages not installed (and I seem
> to be down to the shooting in the dark method of debugging) I tried:
> # opkg -force-overwrite install illume-config-asu
> # rm -rf ~/.e/e/config/illume
> # reboot
> no change... so I tried
> # opkg install illume-theme-asu
> Installing illume-theme-asu (0.0+svnr35693-r7) to root...
> Collected errors:
>   * ERROR: The following packages conflict with illume-theme-asu:
>           *  illume-config *
> hmmm... guess I won't force that.
> Do I have to reflash this thing just to get a working keyboard?
> -stacy

No, as I have managed to do without.

Have you editted the /etc/init.d/89qtopia (or maybe other number) for
saying qtopia not to start the keyboard?

Anyway. Try stopping first the xserver ( /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm stop ),
then delete the ~/.e/e/config/illume and then start.

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