Wiki outdated ? was Re: Problems building ASU image

Rod Whitby rod at
Sat Sep 13 04:45:24 CEST 2008

Didier "Ptitjes" wrote:
> I just noticed that this behavior only occurs when building for the 
> "x86" machine. I say this if this can help to identify the problem.

Do you mean x86 as a host, or x86 as a target.  x86 as a target is not
supported, and x86 as a host is what everyone uses, so you can assume that
that works.

> BTW the makefile process is great. I used Gentoo daily so I like it. I 
> would suggest to add a "x/n" numbering for packages selected to be 
> build, as does emerge.

MokoMakefile just sets up an environment and then calls bitbake.  Numbering
of packages selected to be built is the domain of bitbake.

-- Rod

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