Idea for Openmoko application: Tide updates

Charles Pax charles.pax at
Wed Sep 17 20:11:21 CEST 2008

On 9/17/08, Michael Shiloh <michael at> wrote:
> Surfers, fisherpeople, and I'm sure others care about the tides. Turns
> out there are websites and applications that provide this data. For a
> nice review:
> Something like this would seem to be ideal for Openmoko, especially with
> GPS.

Does anyone know of an source for nautical maps that can be used with
TangoGPS? It would be cool if nautical maps and tide data were integradted
into TangoGPS; click on a point on or near a body of water and TangoGPS
could give you a tidal graph for that spot or (if you click on land near the
water) the spot at the water's edge nearest to where you selected.


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