New rotate for OpenMoko

Robin Paulson robin.paulson at
Tue Sep 23 09:44:47 CEST 2008

2008/9/22 Rui Miguel Silva Seabra <rms at>:
> As said before, since I'm not entirely happy with the previous version
> of Rotate for OpenMoko, also using it as a way to learn how to write
> programs for it, I'm writing a new version of Rotate for OpenMoko.
> I'm now announcing the first results: release 0.1.0 is out (signature)!
> The tar.gz file contains both source and a binary suited to run on
> Om200x.y (at least 2008.9 should work).
> Be careful, it bytes.. :)

could someone provide some hints for how to set this to autostart,
either system-wide or for a specific user?

for a specific user, would i place a link to it in ~/.xinitrc?


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