[QT Extended Improved] patch: 0001-using-uevent-to-get-kernel-notifications-for-usb-cable-changed.txt

Filip Onkelinx filip at linux4.be
Wed Apr 1 08:48:35 CEST 2009


attached is a patch to use uevent to get kernel notifications for  
'usb-cable-changed' in QtExtended on recent kernels (>=2.6.28).
On 'older' kernels (<2.6.28), this information was comming in trough  
/dev/input/event4 but this is no longer working (there is a ticket for  
this at https://docs.openmoko.org/trac/ticket/2254 ).
With this patch my FR switches correctly from battery power savings scheme  
to online pwoer scheme, and usb networking goes up/down as expected.
Same mechanism could be used to re-implement an event based neobattery.

This patch should not break 2.6.24 compatibility.


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Name: 0001-using-uevent-to-get-kernel-notifications-for-usb-cable-changed.txt
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