which way is the easier

Daniel.Li lida_mail at 163.com
Wed Apr 1 13:52:51 CEST 2009

Hi Anas,

I'm also interested in FR, and I'm a fresh man to this. 
As we all know that there are about three SW levels, which is

On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 13:21 +0200, Anas Alzouhbi wrote:
> Hello!
> I succeed to do the ssh with my openmoko,but
> the ways that I have found  to arrive to build the first program are:
> 1 - Documentation: Building a helloworld application, which needs to
> prepare to it to build openmoko from scratch, which have in
> prerequisites to follow getting started steps of openEmbedded
> 2- Customizing the openmoko distribution (I think this is way is
> easier than the first) this requires to build teh Mokomakefile
Well, currently, there are lots of distribution
http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Distributions .
If u like Mokomakefile, then OE should be started first, I'm on this,
but slowly :(

> 3- Documentation: Openmoko application development in 5 minutes.
I think this one is easy to do, I mean provide a "hello world" :) 

> 4- Follow the toolchain
Yeah, tool chain also can be built by your self, if it's just for "hello
world". I think it's *NOT* that difficult.

> .... and others
> which do you recommend for a starter to follow until finish??

Well, it's hard to say, which one do u prefer? :) Just your choice,
right? :):):)
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Daniel.Li <lida_mail at 163.com>
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