[openBmap] Version 0.2.0 released of the GSM cell, GPS logger

kimaidou kimaidou at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 09:45:54 CEST 2009


Thanks a lot for this new version. I would like to know if you could create
a new page in opkg.org for easily follow, install and upgrade it !

Thanks in advance


2009/3/30 Onen <onen.om at free.fr>

> Hello,
> the new version of the logger is out. This is a major step: you can now
> do the complete process (log, upload, delete processed logs)
> graphically! No need to edit any file.
> * Now displays GSM data at startup. No need to wait for network
>   update.
> * Before upload, login/password graphical interface added.
> * After upload, asks about deleting all processed log files.
> * Requests CPU ressource to prevent phone from going to suspend (this
> depends on the configuration of the phone...).
> * Do not log if a call is ongoing. The reasons are:
>  - when in a call org.freesmartphone.GSM.Network.GetStatus()
>    returns a lower signal strength.
>  - org.freesmartphone.GSM.Monitor.GetNeighbourCellInformation()
>    returns garbage when in a call.
> * Software id and version added in generated logs
> Another major point is the "beta" support of neighbour cells logging.
> Following comments made on this list (thanks Yorick, Olivier and Helge
> and sorry if I forget others), I have changed my mind and the code is
> ready in this release. But deactivated. The reasons are:
>  - we need to clarify the meaning of some fields
>  - we need to clarify if there is no risk of mixing cells and
>    MCC/MNC at the borders.
> The idea will be to keep track if a logged cell was "serving", or
> "neighbour". This will let us experiment with ways of building coverage
> areas, and specify algorithms.
> Thanks Stefan, the application is already in the feeds:
> http://downloads.openmoko.org/repository/unstable/armv4t/openbmap-logger_0.2.0-r1_armv4t.ipk
> => opkg install/upgrade openbmap-logger
> Ipk, tar, git can be found at:
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=218065&package_id=310952
> http://myposition.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=myposition
> Following is a part of the README. You will find a summary of the
> project, and the manual with some details about the configuration file
> if you want total control of your application.
> Onen
> OpenBmap is a free and open map of wireless communicating objects
> (e.g. cellular antenna, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth). It provides tools to
> mutualize data, create and access this map.
> The purpose of this software is to log GSM data, together with
> GPS coordinate. This data are sent to the website (www.openbmap.org),
> in order to build a free database. In order to keep a high quality
> of data, we store GPS quality, speed, GSM signal strength, etc...
> Possible use of this database:
> * get your location based on the current GSM cell you are connected to.
> (GPS needs extra power to function, GSM is always on. Less precise
> than GPS, but enough for a lot of usages. Instant location, GPS
> needs time to get a fix.)
> * speed up GPS first time to fix by providing the location based
> on GSM data
> * geolocate your photos when taken
> * get a map of GSM coverage
> * get a map of 2, 2.5, 3G coverage (not yet implemented)
> * ...
> What you should expect:
> * The complete process is done through graphical interface.
> * Requests CPU ressource to prevent phone from going to suspend (this
> depends on the configuration of the phone...).
> * generation of logs (no log during a call)
> * Graphical window to enter login/password before upload (possibility
> to cancel upload).
> * upload of logs
> * Graphical window proposing to delete all logs already processed.
> Interface is straightforward.
> Note: The GPS is started as soon as the application is launched.
> And it keeps running if the application is logging or not. This
> is to prevent losing the GPS position if you pause your logging.
> You have to exit the application in order to stop the GPS.
> * A button to start generating logs. Values will be displayed when
> valid. Logs are stored under HOME/.openBmap/Logs by default.
> * A button to stop generating logs.
> * A button to upload.
> This pops a window up, which displays the current login/password.
> Please modify it before pressing 'ok' button if needed. You can
> cancel upload by pressing 'cancel'.
> If you press 'ok', this will block the interface until every log
> has been uploaded. This means that if you do not have Internet
> connection up and running, the GUI will be frozen until timeout of
> the upload part.
> After successful upload, the logs are moved to
> HOME/.openBmap/Processed_logs by default.
> When upload is finished, the result is first displayed (how many logs
> have been uploaded out of how many available).
> Then a popup window will propose you to delete all (this includes
> possible logs from previous upload) the processed logs (located in
> HOME/.openBmap/Processed_logs by default).
> Warning: you should create an account on realtimeblog.free.fr
> website, and fill a correct login/password in the popup window
> displayed before upload works.
> * A button to exit (if logger is active, it will first stop it
> cleanly, and then exit).
> Config file and application log are located under HOME/.openBmap
> directory by default.
> You can modify values in the config files (by editing it). This
> way you can have a fine grained control of your logger:
> - change the locations of logs
> 'openbmap logs directory name', 'openbmap uploaded logs directory name'
> - change the rate of logging
> openbmap logger default scanning speed (in sec.) = 10
> - set a minimal speed for logging
> gps minimal speed for logging (km/h) = 0
> - set a maximal speed for logging
> gps maximal speed for logging (km/h) = 150
> - please do not modify other values, this could prevent the
> logger from working correctly.
> If you break your configuration file, just exit the application.
> Delete the configuration file (by default: HOME/.openBmap/openBmap.conf).
> Launch the application. The configuration file, if not found is
> generated with default values.
> * when you are generating logs, and you press 'Stop' button.
>   A popup window let you know you should wait for the logger to
>   finish stopping. Under FSO M5, if you press the power
>   button, the phone suspends. You press it again it wakes up.
>   Nevertheless the GUI is frozen. You will have to kill the
>   process.
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