Sean's speech at ESC about making a 3G device

Justyn Butler justynbutler+openmoko at
Thu Apr 2 18:38:42 CEST 2009

A couple of days ago Sean made a speech at ESC.

For anyone interested it is described here, with a video excerpt:

He talks about the level of freedom the Freerunner offers people
wanting to create a customized phone or those who want a development

He also explains what it would take to put 3G in the phones, saying
that they'd do it (but the 3G part would be closed) if a customer put
in a large enough order (ie 50,000 units).


ps. At this point I'd like to say that I'd seriously consider paying
up to $200 extra for a 3.5G-enabled OpenMoko phone (which, per the
speech, is what it would cost). But I definitely can't order 50,000 of

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