qt-extended-improved unpredictive keyboard

leonardo maccari leonardo at lilik.it
Fri Apr 3 11:44:29 CEST 2009

Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:
> On Thu, 02 Apr 2009 00:54:55 +0200

> This is a nice keyboard, much easier/faster to use than the predictive
> one! The look is not all that, but functionality-wise it is great!

Nice to hear this.
One question, before this layout I was using a layout made of 10 columns 
and 3 rows that let me have an querty keyboard with the same picks as a 
desktop one. But 10 columns is too much to have the keyboard work 
properly so I changed it to 6x5 but now I have a weird layout..
What is the most qwerty-similar layout for a 6x5 keyboard?


Key fingerprint = 2C20 A587 05AC 42E5 1292  D0D4 3EED CFB5 52FD AD1E

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