Camera module as back case (was Re: Slashdotted)

Lothar Behrens lothar.behrens at
Mon Apr 6 13:54:28 CEST 2009

The expansion spacer is exactly what could be done for a hands on  
hobby electronics playground :-)

What I mean with the replacement back case, is that you don't need to  
screw up the torx and add the
spacer. The end user don't like to fiddle with that. He simply wants  
to change the front and back covers
by ones with other color.

Adding a cam inside there would be doable without the risk of less  
stability of the back cover to keep
the howsing closed.

The issue is with the bigger or second battery. Does it still keep  
closed or could it easyly fall out due to
the wight.

Modifying the battery housing to be more likely a snap in for the  
bettery would solve this issue. With the
higher cover also a different battery could be used and with the snap  
in mechanics it will hopefully no problem
for the stability.

The contacts for the signals, whatever is used, should be similar to  
the battery contacts. Using any jack like the
USB on the outside is fiddling.

I know it by fiddling my car holder for the neo to connect the usb  
power cable.

For sample, we could use the connector aparatus like that from the SD  
card. Using a one side mounted plate with a
spring behind the other side the 'SD card' would propably savely  
'connect' to the SD card connector used as the jack.
(If the usual spring based connector pins like the battery aren't  

I don't know how stable the hinge would be as also the moving wires  
that goes to the cover's electronic, but it's worth a try.
The snap in mechanism of the cover will help adjusting the place where  
the jack must be.


Am 06.04.2009 um 12:49 schrieb Robin Paulson:

> 2009/4/6 Robin Paulson <robin.paulson at>:
>> there were a few tentative steps on the wiki some months back
>> concerning alternate cases, and this was one suggested idea
> lots around here:
> expansion back looks like it covers your camera module
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Lothar Behrens
Heinrich-Scheufelen-Platz 2
73252 Lenningen

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