Tichy now hosted on google code + release 1.0.0

Leonti Bielski prishelec at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 01:16:07 CEST 2009

Thanks for your work!
I have a problem - when I start tichy it gives me just black screen :(

I had some of the packages installed from anstrom repository, so it
might be a problem. But as I remember from previous tries - I had
black screen too. Is it treatable?

Tomorrow I will try to install it on clean and fresh SHR distro and
see what it gives me.


On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Guillaume Chereau <charlie137 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> (Some of you may know me from my previous openmoko address :
> charlie at openmoko.org)
> Since I don't work for openmoko anymore, and since I had some free
> time in my hands recently, I restarted the tichy project (previously
> hosted on openmoko public git)
> The project is now hosted on google code [0]. From the web site we can
> see some screenshots.
> For the history, tichy is the project that was used as the base for
> the paroli project [1], officially supported by openmoko.  Both
> projects are python frameworks to write applets for openmoko phones. I
> decide to restart tichy because in my opinion paroli has forked too
> much, and now both projects are having very different goals.
> So why I think people should give tichy a try :
> * It can run on debian, SHR, and FSO (even thouhg there is currently a
> problem with the installation on FSO)
> * it is using the Dbus framework for all the phone applets.
> * It is very simple to modify it, almost everything is written in
> python, with some small parts in cython.
> * It can run on the desktop as well.
> * There is a release (1.0.0) [2]
> The first release 1.0.0 [2] contains the source package, a debian
> packages, and an ipkg package that can be installed on SHR (should
> also work on FSO, but I see that python-pygame package is currently
> missing from the FSO feeds.)
> I will keep working on the project if I think there are interested
> people. I don't know how much time I will allocate to this, so I can
> make no statement about plans or future releases. Of course
> contributions are welcomes.
> I have to admit I didn't test it so much (I personally only use it for
> the chinese learning and dictionary applets), if people experience any
> problems, please let me know and I'll make a bug fix release.
> I would also be interested to know if the SHR, debian, or FSO people
> are interested for a collaboration to add tichy in there
> distributions.
> Happy programming,
> Guillaume
> [0] http://code.google.com/p/tichy
> [1] http://www.paroli-project.org/
> [2] http://tichy.googlecode.com/svn/release/1.0.0/
> --
> http://charlie137.blogspot.com/
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