[QtExtended] screenshot package

HouYu Li karadog at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 01:21:21 CEST 2009

Hi Franky. Nice to have the package although I have included it in the
source repo.

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 2:46 AM, Franky Van Liedekerke
<liedekef at telenet.be>wrote:

> Hi all,
> for those fortunate qtextended users, I've build and packaged the
> screenshot application from qtextended (it turned out to be quite
> simple).
> You can download and install it in the following way:
> # Add a new package server to a running Qt Extended device by using the
> Settings->Software Packages application on the device. Navigate to the
> Downloads tab, invoke the Options context menu and choose the Edit
> Servers option. Invoke Options->New... and enter in the server details
> As server details:
> name: franky (or whatever you like)
> URL: http://users.telenet.be/liedekef/qtapps
> For the moment only one app is on there (screenshot). Once installed,
> it appears in the application list (ok, the icon seems smaller than the
> rest, but that's about it). Newly taken screenshots appear
> under /home/root/Documents/image/png
> I could also provide a ipk, but then the app doesn't appear in the
> application list (maybe it does that on restarting qtextended, but I
> don't like that idea).
> Franky
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Best Regards

HouYu Li, Karajan

karajan_ii (at) hotmail.com
karadog (at) gmail.com
lihouyu (at) phpex.net

PHP Developer
Red Hat Certified Engineer

Shanghai, China
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