Intone (0.20 - alpha release) Elementary based mplayer frontend

"Marco Trevisan (Treviño)" mail at
Tue Apr 7 02:16:52 CEST 2009

c_c wrote:
> 3. Seek. Dont know how to use the slider for seeking. Any Ideas?

The attached patch (intone-seek-fix.patch) does the work.
However I've done another one (intone-seek-fix.patch) that reads
continuously (every 0.5 sec) the real position from mplayer and also if
it uses more CPU (I figure, not tested in my FR) it could be better.
However I've not finished that and it requires a fix (since it actually
makes intone hang as soon as the song reaches its end) too.

By the way actually the slider shows the position in seconds; why not
using the percentage value?

Treviño's World - Life and Linux
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