Intone (0.20 - alpha release) Elementary based mplayer frontend

"Marco Trevisan (Treviño)" mail at
Tue Apr 7 23:08:24 CEST 2009

c_c wrote:
>> (BTW it works only in Illume WM, not in my standard system due to the fact that the window collapse withoutconsidering the preset evas size at all!) 
> Yup ! Thats exactly what happened to me. OK - so I should try it on the FR. I have the code for it commented out in gui.c. Will try it on the FR ASAP.

You can also use Xephyr for this. Launch it as:
 Xephyr :1 -ac -dpi 283 -screen 480x640+86+295

Then launch e with something like:
 DISPLAY=:1 enlightenment_start -profile illume

And finally use that new display for testing intone ;)

> I'm assuming from the lack of bug-reports that either there aren't many show stoppers - or that people haven't got the time to let me know about them yet. Hope it's the first reason though :-)

Well, I've not written this already, but if I run it in my OM2008 (where
I've installed latest e17 svn) when I launch intone I only get a black
window. It's so strange... No other elementary app does it!

However if I'm not wrong another that is using my e17-svn rootfs had no
issues... :|

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