The future of the Neo Freerunner

Daniel Willmann daniel at
Wed Apr 8 09:38:55 CEST 2009

On Sat, 4 Apr 2009 12:57:30 +0200
Nicola Mfb <nicola.mfb at> wrote:

> 2009/4/3 Marcel <tanuva at>
> [...]
> > 2. These devs don't belong to Openmoko Inc. anymore, but they still
> > contribute
> > heavily to one or another aspect of the OM world. Afaik.
> >
> And what's about Openmoko new software stack roadmap?
> If it will not fund FSO, those developers may decide to stay a bit
> relaxed.

Let me assure you I'm not even close to anything resembling relaxed. :-)

Not coding much at the moment, but trying to disprove the myths that
seem to surround GTA02 like a foul stench.

If you look at where the FSO team came from it should be clear that FSO
will continue. I personally couldn't really imaging going back from my
Freerunner to a non-open phone. Crappy as it may be in terms of
usability I can do stuff on it that just wont happen anywhere else.

Daniel Willmann
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