Upadated - Intone (0.21 - alpha release) Elementary based mplayer frontend

"Marco Trevisan (Treviño)" mail at 3v1n0.net
Wed Apr 8 14:29:45 CEST 2009

c_c wrote:
> @ Treviño - Well, I don't have OM 2008 to test this on - but that is strange. Can you confirm the newer version also does this? I guess I'll have to download OM2008 now!

Yes... New version does it too (I've not the needed oss module [I've it
built-in in my kernel], and I get an error, but this shouldn't be the
cause, isn't it?!).

However if you want to test it with Om2008, use this [1] e17 version
(following the instruciton I posted at [2]) to run it.


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