Watching videos on neo freerunner (openmoko 2008.12) mplayer-glamo (Was Re: Jabra BT3030 experience anywhere ?)
Lothar Behrens
lothar.behrens at
Wed Apr 8 15:05:21 CEST 2009
Here it is, what I have published that time:
Searching for 'Jabra' on the wiki gave no result and searching for
'Bluetooth' gave no headline regarding to Jabra, but I
know, there is a A2DP page ( The
Jabra 3030 BT isn't reported there to work.
So before I do, has it been put by someone at the wiki or anywhere?
Am 19.01.2009 um 14:34 schrieb Lothar Behrens:
> Hi,
> now I have got the Jabra BT3030 working. Excelent sound, no crushing
> noices as experienced with my Mac OS X :-)
> I also have successfully tested connection with a second phone to
> test incoming calls. I'll hear a ring and I could accept
> and speak.
> Once the mplayer didn't come back with sound. I'll figure out the
> cause if I have time. Restarting helped to solve.
> The installation steps, Steven has explained, are correct, but on
> the 2008.12 are some packages not installed.
> I am using mplayer. And there is a working description as of post
> from Glen at 29. Dezember 2008 04:27:48 MEZ.
> There was only an issue with the libgcc library that was too old,
> thus sdl couldn't be installed, what mplayer caused to
> be not startable. (At least today)
> After installing the following package, sdl was installable and
> mplayer would work.
> Also missing is the bluez-utils-alsa package. Mplayer couldn't find
> These are my packets:
> root at om-gta02:~# opkg list_installed | grep blue
> bluez-audio - 3.33-r3 -
> bluez-hcidump - 1.42-r0 -
> bluez-utils - 3.33-r3 -
> bluez-utils-alsa - 3.33-r3 -
> bluez-utils-compat - 3.33-r3 -
> kernel-module-bluetooth -
> 3:2.6.24+gitr76014+fb42ce6724576fc173faf8abfb04aa2c36d213b7-r2.01 -
> libbluetooth2 - 3.33-r0 -
> The other packages are as reported from Glen.
> Here is my script to use the headset. (The bluetooth device must be
> activated, or added as a line):
> #!/bin/sh
> /etc/init.d/bluetooth stop
> /etc/init.d/bluetooth start
> sleep 1
> passkey-agent --default 0000 &
> sleep 1
> echo Create bonding
> dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --
> dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0 org.bluez.Adapter.CreateBonding
> string:$DEVICE
> sleep 1
> echo Activating service audio
> dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.bluez /org/bluez
> org.bluez.Manager.ActivateService string:audio
> sleep 1
> echo Creating device
> dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --
> dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/audio
> string:$DEVICE
> sleep 1
> echo Connecting sink
> dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=org.bluez
> "/org/bluez/audio/device0"
> To use the bluetooth audio device, the player has to started with
> the correct parameters.
> Have fun - I have :-)
> Lothar
> -- | Rapid Prototyping | XSLT Codegeneration |
> Lothar Behrens
> Heinrich-Scheufelen-Platz 2
> 73252 Lenningen
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