[QtExtended] Basic speed comparison

Radek Polak psonek2 at seznam.cz
Tue Apr 14 10:51:58 CEST 2009

Franky Van Liedekerke wrote:

> 2) QtMoko: interface also very slow (probably the kernel is not yet 
> fully optimized built for openmoko, or maybe qtopia 4.5 is the 
> cullprit). Sometimes the impression that it missed (even refused) the 
> touching of an icon, even on the homescreen 

Hi Franky,
the kernel is andy-tracking with moredrivers config, only bluetooth is
built as modules. It would be interesting to find out where the problem
is. One thing would be to use the rootfs with the FSO kernel. I have
also impression that running from SD card is much faster. And last
thing - i just moved back to old QT because of bug that i cant enter
SMTP password in email client. The updated images can be get from QtMoko
homepage [1]

See you


[1] http://activationrecord.net/radekp/openmoko/qtmoko/

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