Tasks Client for FR

kimaidou kimaidou at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 10:05:45 CEST 2009

My comments follow

2009/4/14 kichkasch <KichKasch at gmx.de>

> About PISI - I am one of the developers there and I am happy to read about
> all the input for further developments here.
> As it looks to me now, there are different options, which probably have
> different priorities. I have been pretty much busy with the Contacts part of
> PISI; my brother will now start pushing the Calendar part a bit more (after
> I will have done some refactoring on this side by the end of this week).
> First task there for him will be proper ICS support. There is a Python
> library available for doing all the low level files read / write (which I
> used sucessfully for VCF files already); so it shouldn't be too much
> troubles to come up with a proper implementation.

Great news ! I think ics support will allow a lot of things

> For the contacts part, I would need some more input for requested data
> sources. For now, we support QTopia address book (SQLite, e.g. OM 2008.12),
> LDAP Server, VCF files and Google Contacts. Awaiting are:
> - opimd support
> - SIM card support
> - SyncML / Opensync support

Synclm (and I suppose Opensync) does not only handle contacts, but all the
pim data as calendars, tasks, notes and contacts

> - Online VCF support (just download / upload the file)
> - Pimlico / Evolution
> My impression is, that SyncML / Opensync is my next task. I was searching
> for some libraries already; and I found two implementations at a very early
> stage - I will go and test them soon.

I think it is a 'must have' feature if you do not want to re invent the
wheel. There are so many different clients for syncml servers (PDA, palm,
windows mobile, outlook, thunderbird, webpages, etc.) . Syncml is about to
sync both ways.

> The Evolution / Pimlico stuff - I thought would be somehow outdated already
> on the Openmoko!? The upcoming 2009 will be opimd?? Well, last time I looked
> for it, it had not progressed much behind the initial idea.

I think we must let the user choose. This is the power of free softwares. At
the moment, opimd does not handle calendar, tasks and notes (I can be wrong)
and -no offense to the developpers- we wait for it for quite a long time. If
someone has some good news.. On the other side, pimlico already has a
calendar and tasks application. I do not think pimlico is outdated but still
in early stage.
And opimd is not used by all the distributions. For example, Hackable:1 uses
the pimlico suite to handle the contacts.

I am really glad you and your brother work on this very needed feature for
the openmoko ! Thanks a lot

> BTW: Has anybody yet tested PISI on a distribution other than OM 2008.12? I
> always tested on this one ...
> --
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> http://n2.nabble.com/Tasks-Client-for-FR-tp2609094p2635064.html
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