Why enlightenment?
Steven Le Roux
steven at le-roux.info
Thu Apr 16 13:23:16 CEST 2009
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:57 PM, Bram Neijt <bneijt at gmail.com> wrote:
> I know this question must have come up once before, but I couldn't find
> any real answer online, so I'm posting it here. Why enlightenment?
> I haven't seen enlightenment being used for over 4 years,
huum ? I use it daily on desktop/laptop and at work for over 4 years.
I have friends who use it like me...
There are external project which use it too... for example : geekbox
is switching to E, Calaos the domotic app,
> and with the
> wealth of programs out there which are portable
portable doesn't mean usable.
>and can run on top op
> Linux, this choice really astounds me. I'm only writing this now,
> because I see that the next Om release (2009) is going to keep focusing
> on using it.
and it's a great thing !!
> Most people will not find this discussion productive, but please
> consider giving me some good pointers as I'm having a hard time to get
> my head around this.
> As I see it, all embedded devices running some kind of interface use
> either QT or GTK (QT Phone, Nokia Internet tablet, Sharp Zaurus..) and
> there are various applications and standards available.
focusing on E doesn't mean you can't run any GTK or QT app.
It's really like a pc, if you run gnome, can't you run marble or K3B ?
If you run KDE4, can't you run firefox or OpenOffice ?
The choice for a standard graphical librairy make sense for the OS,
but the OS shouldn't forbid you to use any application you want.
Obviously, the intergration is better when application are mainly
coded with native libs, but, if we are making a choice between GTK or
QT... the debate is the same.. my QT apps won't be integrated as well
as GTK's ones on a GTK environment and vice versa.
> Why then go for enlightenment?
cause it's great and fun ;)
> Hoping this is not to inflammatory,
> Bram
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Steven Le Roux
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