[all] locales: "cannot map archive header: Invalid argument"

arne anka openmoko at ginguppin.de
Fri Apr 17 20:35:52 CEST 2009

since it came up again rather recently and i experienced it again  
yesterday and all occurences of the error were linked to people using the  
freerunner (according to google, that is) ...

i reported it as a bug to debian
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=524483
and it turns out to be caused by jiffs2, ie if the directory the locales  
resp the archive were to be created in lives in a jiffs2 filesystem,  
locale-gen fails.

"jffs2 does not support mmap in write mode. This is not a bug of locales."

so, whoever stumbles over that issue in future -- either modify locale-gen  
(it's a script) to call localedef with --no-archive or make the directory  
live in a filesystem not affected.
i linked /usr/lib/loacle/ to a folder on the ext3 sd card.

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