Freerunner as a wireless streamplayer?

David Garabana Barro david at
Sun Apr 19 13:39:30 CEST 2009

O Domingo, 19 de Abril de 2009, MartinG escribiu:

> So what I ask is:
> Is it possible to download an image, simply reflash the phone, connect
> to my wlan, and opkg/ipkg install a player that is able play streams
> from my local server?

I think "SHR testing" or "any debian based distro" + mplayer can do what you 

I can connect to my WPA2 AP with both, and mplayer can play streams. There are 
some mplayer frontends for the neo: intone, pythm, gorsh player...

For ogg, you should install tremor based mplayer:

It does use much less cpu on neo than libvorbis.

David Garabana Barro
jabber & google talk ID:	david at
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