Koolu announces Beta 6 of Android on the Freerunner...

Brian Code Brian.Code at koolu.com
Mon Apr 20 22:27:28 CEST 2009

Greetings everyone!

Koolu is proud to announce Koolu-1.0 Beta 6 for the Android on  
Freerunner project. Release files, installation notes, and a change  
log can be found at: http://freerunner.android.koolu.com/release-files .

In addition, one can check out the exact code used for Beta 6 to build  
their own tree, or to provide patches and fixes.

repo init -u git://git.koolu.org/freerunner/platform/manifest.git -b  
repo sync

Please see http://git.koolu.org/ for more details.

We have also created a suite of tools to make it easier to collect and  
submit patches to Koolu. You can view the git project at: http://git.koolu.org/?p=tools/koolu.git;a=summary

Those who are interested in asking live questions, we can be found on  
#freerunner-android on irc.freenode.net.

Brian Code, Marcelo Magallon and
The rest of the Koolu Team.
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