[All?] Dictator - the most undemocratic recording and dictation software ever
Francesco de Virgilio
fradeve11 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 20:56:31 CEST 2009
Hash: SHA1
Onen ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I have been using OSMtracker [1] for taking voice notes while biking,
> using the phone headset/microphone.
> I think it creates a GPX file with some anchors in it, pointing at the
> wav files names, it has generated. While opening the GPX file under
> JOSM, with wav files in the GPX directory, I get icons all over the
> track that I can click to hear it.
> This looks like this:
> <trkpt lat="XX.XXXXXXXX" lon="XX.XXXXXXXX">
> <ele>74.8</ele>
> <time>2008-09-14T16:27:40Z</time>
> </trkpt>
> </trkseg>
> </trk>
> <wpt lat="YY.YYYYYYYY" lon="YY.YYYYYYYY">
> <ele>126.30000000</ele>
> <name>voice</name>
> <desc>2008-09-14T15:41:19Z</desc>
> <link href="20080914_174113.wav" />
> </wpt>
> For me, this is satisfying. I can upload the GPX to OSM website without
> problem. The only drawback if I would be picky, would be the extra data
> in the GPX that is sent to OSM for nothing.
> Onen
Great Onen! I think this should be the approach if we want to create a
georeferred voicenote application, starting from Dictator. To be picky (
:D ) it's really simple to write a python script to "clean" the extra data.
The only thing I notice, in our (community) work is that today we have a
LOT of applications doing gpx recording (going with memory, I remember
TangoGPS, BikeAtor, Navit, probably also GPS Sight and Mumpot). Some
applications have a database to insert POIs (like TangoGPS), but still
doesn't exists something integrating all the features we
(OSMmappers/surveyors) need.
- --
Francesco de Virgilio
*Ubuntu-it Member and Wiki Editor*
mailto:fradeve at ubuntu-it.org
*Wikimedia projects contributor*
*OpenStreetMap Mapper*
"Love - Peace - Freedom - Free Software"
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