[Qtei] Which IDE for Development?

Radek Polak psonek2 at seznam.cz
Wed Apr 22 10:03:32 CEST 2009

Roland wrote:

> Is there any IDE one can use for the development?
> Coming from software development with Qt Desktop I think I would be able to
> contribute, but working with a normal editor is not really fun.

For new application I am using QT Creator - very nice IDE with
integrated debugger, completion and other stuff. I build the
and debug the application on PC and then just compile for QTE.

> Also: Is there a way to debug the newly written applications?

QT creator has debugger integrated. If you ever need to debug
on Neo, you can use gdb.

> I am willing to install any Linux distribution and any package needed for
> development - but I have to admit I don't have a clue what to install.

Just clone QTE git and build it.


If you have application working on PC with creator then just do:

	/path_to_your_qte/build/bin/qmake -project

Copy the binary to Neo, login via SSH, do:

	source /opt/Trolltech/Qtopia/qpe.env

> Any comment and recommendation is welcome!
> Roland

Any new and useful application are welcome :)


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