shr - messages + wsod
Tony Berth
tonyberth at
Wed Apr 22 15:25:16 CEST 2009
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Pietro "m0nt0" Montorfano <
monto84 at> wrote:
> Il giorno mar, 21/04/2009 alle 22.30 +0400, ivvmm ha scritto:
> > Pietro Montorfano wrote:
> > > just get back to the old 2.6.29-r2 kernel and then wsod
> > > will go away.
> >
> > How can this be achieved? The WSOD is really getting on my nerves.
> Quite simple but "dirty":
> 1) download a tar.gz version of shr which was running and the uImage,
> let's say the one built on 10th of april, before the big upgrade.
> 2) get the /lib/modules/2.6.29-r2 dir out of the tar.gz
> 3) copy it to your FR with scp, obviously it should be in /lib/modules
> 4) run "depmod -ae" from your FR
> 5a) if you are using the flash, use dfu-util to flash the kernel
> 5b) if you are using the uSD, copy the uImage in the right place
> There are other ways like using opkg or something similar but, hey, this
> is simple and it's working :D
> Bye!
> Pietro
I don't know if the 'new' kernel (from the 21/4) was supposed to fix WSOD
but it didn't!
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