USB Kernel problem with latest SHR unstable

Denis Johnson denis.johnson at
Fri Apr 24 08:38:59 CEST 2009

I'm not sure who or how to report this but since I have gone through
the test and it has taken some time to resolve.

Flashing the latest SHR image and kernel from 23 April


I could not connect via SSH over USB from my Ubuntu 8.10 host. lsusb
on the host could see the neo but could not ifup usb0

Only after reflashing just the kernel back to Apr 9, could I again
reconnect via SSH. I have not tried kernels posted between those dates
to work out where the problem starts.

Howver to confirm it, I have reflashed back to the latest 23rd April
but could not connect, then reflashed back to 9th April and worked

Both report 2.6.29-rc3 via 'uname -r'

cheers Denis

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