News Openmoko Shop Pulster

Helge Hafting helge.hafting at
Fri Apr 24 14:20:05 CEST 2009

tomas nackaerts wrote:
>  > Besides you can add a free laserpen to any order:
>  >
>     I have had two of these pens and for both the laser pointer and the LED
>     were most of the time dimmed. This was probably because of bad
>     conduction with the batteries. If I unscrew the pen they would sometimes
>     light up at full power, when pressing the buttons. The idea is very good
>     but the quality guarantee is, in my opinion, not so high. Feel free to
>     do with this feedback as you please. Perhaps a poll would give a more
>     objective insight in the quality of these devices.
> The pen i recieved from pulster works very nicely. Actually, its the 
> only thing i recieved when i ordered a freerunner + accesoires that 
> "Just Works". :-)

The pen "just worked" when I got it. Looks good, nice design.
The batteries ran out very quickly. Bought new ones, they ran out very 
quickly. I guess the laser can drain the batteries in a minute or two, 
so one can't really use it much for pointing.

Do a laser need that much power, or is it just a simple design that 
lacks current limiting?

The third set of batteries didn't work well for me. conduction seems 
rather bad, perhaps this is fixable by installing some actual wires 
instead of relying on the casing.

Helge Hafting

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