FSO Milestone 5.5 Preview Image

Jan Lübbe jluebbe at lasnet.de
Sat Apr 25 14:55:44 CEST 2009


To prepare for the upcoming release of FSO Milestone 5.5, i've built an
image which contains the latest versions of our software. We want to
give you a preview of the changes and get some final testing before the

Some notable changes since MS5.1 (a complete list will be published with
the final release):

* ogsmd:
  + Revamped timeout handling and parser, better unsolisticated
    message handling
  + Support for more optional SMS features, submit/delivery reports
  + Handle corrupt SMS PDU better
  + Updated network database
  + Improve support for the Freescale Neptune and Qualcomm MSM modems
  + Implement a demo cell location service (using the cellhunter DB)
  + API: Change network code from int to string
    see: http://git.freesmartphone.org/?p=specs.git;a=commit;h=7547d409977666eebb5117e4fc837ec6f19a4553
* ogpsd:
  + Fix and reenabled ephemeris upload (~ 16 sec TTFF is possible)
* ophoned:
  + Support Bluetooth headsets
* otimed:
  + Use the network supplied offset in countries with more than
    one time zone
  + The NTP servers ip can be configured in frameworkd.conf

Also, there have been a lot of bugfixes all over the framework.

For people who flash their device very often, we now try to bind mount
/media/card/bind-home to /home/root. Just create that directory on your
SD-Card and it will be mounted on the next reboot.

There are some known issues with the current build, please report any
additional problems to: http://trac.freesmartphone.org/

* oeventsd has a race condition which sometimes causes failure to
  inhibit suspend or dimming
* illume's shutdown menu is only one pixel wide
* the org.freesmartphone.GSM.Monitor commands sometimes report
  invaild data
* the aux button sometimes does not enable the display after dimming
* there is currently no GUI for BT headset configuration, use opreferencesd
  for this

You can get the image here:

Thanks to everyone who has submitted patches and bug reports!
We can't do this without you :)

Waiting for new bug reports,
Jan Lübbe <jluebbe at lasnet.de>            http://sicherheitsschwankung.de
 gpg-key      1024D/D8480F2E 2002-03-20
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