[QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 9

Franky Van Liedekerke liedekef at telenet.be
Sat Apr 25 18:55:21 CEST 2009

(install instructions and script updated on 2090425: see below)

Problems solved:
See http://users.telenet.be/liedekef/qt-issues-fixed.txt 


- 20090425: An incoming contact is now first resolved to a contact on
  the internal phonebook instead of the merged contact from SIM
- some minor tweaks and fixes, mostly not visible unless you stumble
  upon them.

See http://github.com/liedekef/qtmoko/commits/master for the changes

Problems found (more like small nuisances now):
See http://users.telenet.be/liedekef/qt-issues.txt

Install instructions:
download the script
http://users.telenet.be/liedekef/openmoko_install.sh , read the comments
at the top and then execute the script on your openmoko (after having
flashed the device and made sure internet works).
For those who just want to replace their existing QtE: just download
the QtE compressed file and replace your existing QtE with it:



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