[QT*] unpredictive keyboard

leonardo at lilik.it leonardo at lilik.it
Sun Apr 26 02:15:00 CEST 2009

Hi list,

I've changed strategy on the unpredictive
qtopia/qtextended/qtextendedimproved keyboard.
Instead of patching the matchbox keyboard I've changed the original
qtopia keyboard. I've stretched it a little to make it larger and higher
and i made it unpredictable. I added another gesture: if you slide from
bottom-right along the diagonal to up-left you can toggle prediction.

here you can find the binary and the patch.

the patch is on Franky's git tree but I guess it works with any Qt*
since the keyboard doesn't seem changed at all. The binary is for the
qt-extended-improved I'm using..

two improvements are possible:
 - give a visual feedback when toggling prediction on/off
 - well, there are three more diagonal gestures that could be used if
you have ideas.

now matchbox seems quite useless.

feedbacks are most welcome.

Key fingerprint = 2C20 A587 05AC 42E5 1292  D0D4 3EED CFB5 52FD AD1E

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