[SHR-Testing] /etc/network/interfaces edit question

Adam Jimerson vendion at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 03:02:19 CEST 2009

On Friday 24 April 2009 11:15:52 am arne anka wrote:
> > /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wireless-tools
> containing?

It is a bash script, to be nice to the list I posted the contents in pastebin 
here http://pastebin.com/m6d6284f0

> mine on my desktop does nowhere mention the string "wlan".
> do a grep through /var

root at om-gta02 ~ $ grep -lr wlan /var
grep: /var/volatile/tmp/enlightenment-root/disp-localhost:0.0-1443|0: No such 
device or address
grep: /var/volatile/tmp/.X11-unix/X0: No such device or address
grep: /var/volatile/run/wpa_supplicant/eth0: No such device or address
grep: /var/volatile/run/sdp: No such device or address
grep: /var/volatile/run/avahi-daemon/socket: No such device or address
grep: /var/volatile/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such device or address

> and maybe a
> strings /boot/vmlinuz | grep wlan

I have have in /boot is 

append-GTA02       uImage             uImage-2.6.29-rc3  uImage-GTA02.bin

> if it is built-in and no udev rule exists, the name would be hardcoded and
> can, if at all, only be overridden by a boot param.

It seems that my wireless card is eth0 already, but it just isn't wanting to 
work.  I don't remember what I did but I managed to get my freerunner to do a 
scan on eth0 and work it just wasn't able to connect (all the APs it found are 
mac filtered and I didn't request to have its mac added yet) but when I am at 
home where I know it is able to connect (I was able to use wireless before I 
upgraded SHR-testing) it can't or I get a device not found.  All attempts to 
work with wlan0 gives me a device not found error no matter what, so further 
work on that is pointless.

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