[SHR kernel] strange kernel messages

David Garabana Barro david at garabana.com
Sun Apr 26 22:53:11 CEST 2009

O Domingo, 26 de Abril de 2009, Timo Juhani Lindfors escribiu:
> Franky Van Liedekerke <liedekef at telenet.be> writes:
> > Apr 26 17:21:48 om-gta02 user.warn kernel: [25301.345000] send sigkill
> > to 3592 (btsettings), adj 15, size 3678
> You are running out of memory and linux is killing processes.

You can configure swap on SD card. It's not the fastest in the world, but it 
works :)

David Garabana Barro
jabber & google talk ID:	david at garabana.com
Clave pública PGP/GPG:		http://davide.garabana.com/pgp.html
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