[SHR-Testing] Wireless Frustration (was: Re: [SHR-Testing] /etc/network/interfaces edit question)

Helge Hafting helge.hafting at hist.no
Tue Apr 28 13:49:44 CEST 2009

Adam Jimerson wrote:
> Well it is nice to see that I am not the only person with this problem, 
> for me Mofi doesn't even load, I am installing the one from opkg.org 
> <http://opkg.org> to see if I have any better luck with it.

I have trouble with wifi in SHR testing too. I suspect a kernel problem.

I usually run wpa_supplicant. Failing that, I connect to WEP networks 
using "iwlist" "iwconfig" commands directly. Even these low-level tools 
fails most of the time. Occationally iwlist eth0 scan will work, but 
repeat the command and eth0 suddenly "doesn't support scanning". And of 
course it won't ever connect to any access point. Similiarly, iwconfig 
may claim there is no support for setting the essid.

Having low-level stuff like iwconfig fail is what makes me suspect a 
kernel problem.

Helge Hafting

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