qmenu build fail on Jaunty

Daniel.Li lida_mail at 163.com
Wed Apr 29 01:36:48 CEST 2009

Dear List,

I just upgrade my OS to Jaunty, and when I build
fso-gta02-testing-image. I met qmenu failed again.

I google web and only found
It seems the problem has been discussed earlier. Is there any thing that
I have missed.

Thanks in advance.

NOTE: Running task 324 of 6637 (ID:
1164, /home/daniel/work4/fso/fso-testing/openembedded/recipes/qemu/qemu-native_svn.bb, do_compile)
NOTE: package qemu-native-0.9.1+svnr4242-r15: task do_compile: started
ERROR: function do_compile failed
ERROR: see log
in /home/daniel/work4/fso/fso-testing/tmp/work/i686-linux/qemu-native-0.9.1+svnr4242-r15/temp/log.do_compile.28262
NOTE: Task
failed: /home/daniel/work4/fso/fso-testing/tmp/work/i686-linux/qemu-native-0.9.1+svnr4242-r15/temp/log.do_compile.28262
NOTE: package qemu-native-0.9.1+svnr4242-r15: task do_compile: failed
ERROR: TaskFailed event exception, aborting
ERROR: Build
of /home/daniel/work4/fso/fso-testing/openembedded/recipes/qemu/qemu-native_svn.bb do_compile failed
ERROR: Task 1164
(/home/daniel/work4/fso/fso-testing/openembedded/recipes/qemu/qemu-native_svn.bb, do_compile) failed
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 323 tasks of which 277 didn't need to be
rerun and 1 failed.
'/home/daniel/work4/fso/fso-testing/openembedded/recipes/qemu/qemu-native_svn.bb' failed

Daniel.Li <lida_mail at 163.com>
PALFocus (http://palfocus.oicp.net)

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