shr-testing timezones!

Angus Ainslie nytowl at
Thu Apr 30 17:15:31 CEST 2009

On Thu, 2009-04-30 at 07:37 -0700, jeremy jozwik wrote:
> ive linked both America/Los_Angeles and PST8PDT. date worked once for
> each. after i restarted the device, date would return EDT. even with
> hwclock setting. so last night i copied PST8PDT from my linux box and
> created the link again.
> ive since restarted a few times and so far it has been corrected.

Don't use a link. The framework while overwrite the data in the zonefile
if zonesources is set to GSM. With zonesources set to NONE and a
proper /usr/share/zoneinfo file *copied* into /etc/locatime the timezone
will remain static.

FWIW, the current version of the framework should get the correct
timezone in multizone countries using CTZV processing. If it doesn't
please post the version of frameworkd ( opkg list_installed | grep
frameworkd ) and a log to 

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